好巴食南溪豆干麻辣味200g HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy
好巴食南溪豆干麻辣味200g HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy

好巴食南溪豆干麻辣味200g HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy


  • 1 小时内本地送货,最远 5 英里
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辣妈超市 HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy, 200g

Description: Indulge in the authentic taste of 辣妈超市 HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy and savor its rich and flavorful spiciness. Each bite is infused with the tantalizing aroma of chili and spices, leaving you craving for more. Whether you are a spicy food enthusiast or an adventurous eater, HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

Key Features:

  • Spicy Flavor: HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy combines the essence of genuine spicy seasoning, delivering a unique and fiery experience.
  • Rich and Diverse: The firm and chewy texture of the beancurd, paired with the perfect blend of chili and spices, offers a delightful fusion of taste and mouthfeel.
  • 200g Packaging: Each pack contains 200g of delectable beancurd, allowing you to enjoy to your heart's content.

Usage Tips:

  • Open the packaging and relish the delicious HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy.
  • Enjoy it as a tasty snack on its own, or pair it with rice, noodles, or other main dishes to add a spicy kick.

Storage Instructions: To maintain its freshness and texture, store HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Brand Introduction: HBS (好伙伴零食) is a renowned brand known for producing delicious and nutritious snacks. HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy is one of their popular offerings, appreciated for its spicy flavor and diverse texture. Whether you love spicy foods or seek an exciting gastronomic adventure, HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy is a delightful choice not to be missed.

Note: This product may contain soy and wheat ingredients and is suitable for consumption by individuals without allergies.

辣妈超市 HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy, 200g

Description: Indulge in the authentic taste of 辣妈超市 HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy and savor its rich and flavorful spiciness. Each bite is infused with the tantalizing aroma of chili and spices, leaving you craving for more. Whether you are a spicy food enthusiast or an adventurous eater, HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy is sure to satisfy your taste buds.

Key Features:

  • Spicy Flavor: HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy combines the essence of genuine spicy seasoning, delivering a unique and fiery experience.
  • Rich and Diverse: The firm and chewy texture of the beancurd, paired with the perfect blend of chili and spices, offers a delightful fusion of taste and mouthfeel.
  • 200g Packaging: Each pack contains 200g of delectable beancurd, allowing you to enjoy to your heart's content.

Usage Tips:

  • Open the packaging and relish the delicious HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy.
  • Enjoy it as a tasty snack on its own, or pair it with rice, noodles, or other main dishes to add a spicy kick.

Storage Instructions: To maintain its freshness and texture, store HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Brand Introduction: HBS (好伙伴零食) is a renowned brand known for producing delicious and nutritious snacks. HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy is one of their popular offerings, appreciated for its spicy flavor and diverse texture. Whether you love spicy foods or seek an exciting gastronomic adventure, HBS Dried Beancurd Spicy is a delightful choice not to be missed.

Note: This product may contain soy and wheat ingredients and is suitable for consumption by individuals without allergies.

辣妈超市 HBS南溪豆干麻辣味,200克

描述: 品尝正宗的辣妈超市 HBS南溪豆干麻辣味,尽情享受其醇厚的麻辣滋味。每一口都充满着辣椒和香料的丰富香气,让您欲罢不能。无论您是辣食爱好者还是喜欢挑战口味的食客,HBS南溪豆干麻辣味都能满足您的味蕾。


  • 麻辣风味:HBS南溪豆干麻辣味融合了正宗的麻辣调味料,带给您独特的麻辣体验。
  • 丰富多样:豆干坚实而有嚼劲,配合辣椒和香料的精妙搭配,带给您口感与味觉的双重享受。
  • 200克包装:每包含200克美味豆干,让您畅快吃个够。


  • 打开包装,品尝美味的HBS南溪豆干麻辣味。
  • 单独享用作为美味的小吃,或配上米饭、面条等主食,增添麻辣风味。

储存方法: 为保持最佳的新鲜度和口感,请将HBS南溪豆干麻辣味存放在阴凉、干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。

品牌介绍: HBS(好伙伴零食)是一家知名品牌,以生产美味又有营养的零食而闻名。HBS南溪豆干麻辣味是他们的热门产品之一,以其麻辣风味和多样口感而备受欢迎。无论您是喜欢辛辣食物还是寻找刺激口感的新体验,HBS南溪豆干麻辣味都是您不可错过的美味之选。


低于 20 英镑,2.99 运费;超过 20 英镑,免费。
0.2 英里到2.5 英里
低于 30 英镑,3.99 运费;超过 30 英镑,免费
2.5 英里到5 英里
低于 50 英镑,4.99 运费;超过 50 英镑,免费
5 英里到7.5 英里
低于 75 英镑,7.99 运费;超过 75 英镑,免费
7.5 英里到10 英里
低于 100 英镑,10.99 运费;超过 100 英镑,免费。

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  • Product Name:
  • Ingredient:
  • Allergy Advice:
  • Cooking Instruction:
  • Storage Condition:
  • Best Before Date:
  • Source of Production:


很棒的商店,喜欢他们把所有东西都用英语写的事实。尝试新食谱时更容易找到所需的食材 工作人员也非常友好和乐于助人






加的夫一家很棒的新亚洲超市;我在那里买了一些很棒的食物——新鲜的、冷冻的、干的、香草和香料。客户服务很棒,他们很乐意不碍事;我是一名前厨师和 Keen 家庭厨师,如果您像我一样正在寻找正宗的食材,我推荐这家商店

理查德·波普尔顿 (Rpop)




La Mart, Unit B, The West Wing, 卡迪夫

CF24 0JU

周一至周日,上午 10:00 至晚上 10:00

电话:020 2221 8355

