徐福记凤梨酥184g HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookie
徐福记凤梨酥184g HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookie

徐福记凤梨酥184g HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookie

正常价格 £3.65 促销价格£3.29 立省10%

  • 1 小时内本地送货,最远 5 英里
  • 库存不足 - 剩余2件商品
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La Mart Asian Supermarket - HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookie 184g

Product Description: La Mart Asian Supermarket proudly presents HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookie, an exquisite Taiwanese delicacy that will tantalize your taste buds with its delectable pineapple goodness.

Key Features:

  1. Authentic Taiwanese Delight: HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookie is made using traditional Taiwanese recipes, ensuring an authentic taste that captures the essence of Taiwanese cuisine.
  2. Irresistible Pineapple Flavour: These cookies are generously filled with sweet and tangy pineapple filling, creating a delightful blend of flavors that will leave you craving for more.
  3. Crumbly Texture: The cookies have a light and crumbly texture, providing a satisfying crunch with each bite.
  4. Individually Wrapped: Each cookie is individually wrapped, making it convenient for on-the-go snacking or sharing with friends and family.
  5. Perfect as a Gift: HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookies make a wonderful gift for loved ones, showcasing the unique taste of Taiwan.

Usage Tips:

  1. Enjoy these cookies as a delightful treat anytime during the day.
  2. Serve them with tea or coffee for a delightful afternoon snack.

Storage Information: Store HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookies in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and moisture, to maintain their freshness.

Savor the Flavors of Taiwan with HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookies: La Mart Asian Supermarket invites you to experience the authentic taste of Taiwan with HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookies. Each bite is a journey of sweet and tangy pineapple goodness, bringing the taste of Taiwan straight to your palate. Grab your pack of HSU Pineapple Flavour Cookies at La Mart Asian Supermarket and indulge in this delightful Taiwanese treat!

辣妈超市 - 徐福记凤梨酥 184克

产品描述: 辣妈超市自豪地呈现徐福记凤梨酥,这是一款精致的台湾美食,其美味的凤梨口味必定让您的味蕾陶醉。


  1. 正宗台湾风味: 徐福记凤梨酥采用传统台湾食谱制作,确保正宗的口味,捕捉了台湾美食的精髓。
  2. 诱人的凤梨口味: 这些饼干内馅丰富,蕴含着甜蜜而微酸的凤梨馅料,带来令人愉悦的味蕾体验,让您欲罢不能。
  3. 脆爽口感: 饼干脆爽可口,每一口都带来愉悦的咀嚼感受。
  4. 单独包装: 每个饼干都独立包装,方便外出携带,也适合与亲朋好友分享。
  5. 完美送礼选择: 徐福记凤梨酥是一份美味的送礼选择,展现台湾独特的风味。


  1. 随时随地享用这些美味的凤梨酥。
  2. 可与茶或咖啡搭配,打造美味的下午茶时光。

存储信息: 请将徐福记凤梨酥存放在阴凉干燥的地方,避免阳光直射和潮湿,以保持其新鲜口感。

用徐福记凤梨酥品味台湾风味: 辣妈超市诚邀您尝试徐福记凤梨酥,领略正宗台湾风味的独特美味。每一口都是甜蜜凤梨的美妙之旅,将台湾的美味直达您的味蕾。赶快在辣妈超市选购您的徐福记凤梨酥,尽情享受这道令人愉悦的台湾美食吧!

低于 20 英镑,2.99 运费;超过 20 英镑,免费。
0.2 英里到2.5 英里
低于 30 英镑,3.99 运费;超过 30 英镑,免费
2.5 英里到5 英里
低于 50 英镑,4.99 运费;超过 50 英镑,免费
5 英里到7.5 英里
低于 75 英镑,7.99 运费;超过 75 英镑,免费
7.5 英里到10 英里
低于 100 英镑,10.99 运费;超过 100 英镑,免费。

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  • Product Name:
  • Ingredient:
  • Allergy Advice:
  • Cooking Instruction:
  • Storage Condition:
  • Best Before Date:
  • Source of Production:


很棒的商店,喜欢他们把所有东西都用英语写的事实。尝试新食谱时更容易找到所需的食材 工作人员也非常友好和乐于助人






加的夫一家很棒的新亚洲超市;我在那里买了一些很棒的食物——新鲜的、冷冻的、干的、香草和香料。客户服务很棒,他们很乐意不碍事;我是一名前厨师和 Keen 家庭厨师,如果您像我一样正在寻找正宗的食材,我推荐这家商店

理查德·波普尔顿 (Rpop)



La Mart, Unit B, The West Wing, 卡迪夫

CF24 0JU

周一至周日,上午 10:00 至晚上 10:00

电话:020 2221 8355

