哆妹妹泡椒春笋122g DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli
哆妹妹泡椒春笋122g DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli

哆妹妹泡椒春笋122g DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli


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DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli 122g

Introduction: Welcome to La Mart Asian Supermarket! DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli is a delicious and spicy pickled bamboo shoot that combines tender bamboo shoots with specially crafted chili seasoning, creating a unique and flavorful taste. These pickled bamboo shoots can be enjoyed on their own as a standalone snack or used in various dishes like hot pot and barbecue, adding a diverse range of flavors to your dining experience. Whether you're a chili lover or looking to explore new tastes, DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli is a must-try culinary delight!

Key Features:

  • Premium Bamboo Shoots: DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli features fresh and tender bamboo shoots, providing a unique texture and flavor.
  • Spicy and Refreshing: The specially crafted chili seasoning adds a delightful spiciness, making every bite enjoyable and satisfying.

Usage Tips:

  • Ready-to-Eat: DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli is ready to eat straight from the packaging. It makes a perfect snack for afternoon tea or any time you crave a spicy treat.
  • Versatile Ingredient: Besides being a standalone snack, DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli is also a great addition to hot pot, barbecue, and other dishes, elevating the flavors of your dining table.

Packaging Information: DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli comes in a 122g pack, perfect for individual or small group consumption. Its convenient packaging allows you to enjoy this delightful treat anytime, anywhere.

Storage Instructions: Store DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight, to preserve its flavor and texture.

Experience the Spicy Delight: Visit La Mart Asian Supermarket now to get your DMM Pickled Bamboo Shoot & Chilli and indulge in its spicy goodness! Whether you savor it on its own or use it in various dishes, this pickled bamboo shoot will leave you with a unique and spicy experience. Treat your taste buds to the pleasure of this exquisite snack!

哆妹妹泡椒春笋 122克

简介: 欢迎光临辣妈超市!哆妹妹泡椒春笋是一款美味的椒香泡笋,选用上等春笋与特制泡椒调味,为您带来独特的口感和辣爽滋味。这款泡椒春笋可单食,也可用于火锅、烧烤等料理,为您的餐桌增添多样风味。无论您是泡椒控还是想要尝试新口味,哆妹妹泡椒春笋都是您不可错过的美食之选!


  • 优质春笋: 哆妹妹泡椒春笋采用新鲜上等春笋,质地嫩滑,带来独特的口感和风味。
  • 辣爽滋味: 特制的泡椒调味为春笋增色不少,辣爽滋味让您回味无穷。


  • 即食美味: 哆妹妹泡椒春笋即食美味,打开包装即可品尝。它作为独立的小食,是下午茶、零食时间的绝佳选择。
  • 多用途美食: 除了单食外,哆妹妹泡椒春笋也适合用于火锅、烧烤等料理,为您的餐桌增添多样风味。

包装信息: 哆妹妹泡椒春笋的包装为122克装,适合单人或小团体享用,方便携带,随时品尝。

储存说明: 请将哆妹妹泡椒春笋存放在阴凉干燥处,避免阳光直射,以保持其风味和口感。

尝试辣爽滋味: 现在就来辣妈超市选购哆妹妹泡椒春笋,尽情享受这款美味的泡椒风味!无论是单食还是搭配料理,哆妹妹泡椒春笋都会给您带来辣爽滋味的独特体验。让您的味蕾尽情畅享美食的快乐!

低于 20 英镑,2.99 运费;超过 20 英镑,免费。
0.2 英里到2.5 英里
低于 30 英镑,3.99 运费;超过 30 英镑,免费
2.5 英里到5 英里
低于 50 英镑,4.99 运费;超过 50 英镑,免费
5 英里到7.5 英里
低于 75 英镑,7.99 运费;超过 75 英镑,免费
7.5 英里到10 英里
低于 100 英镑,10.99 运费;超过 100 英镑,免费。

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  • Product Name:
  • Ingredient:
  • Allergy Advice:
  • Cooking Instruction:
  • Storage Condition:
  • Best Before Date:
  • Source of Production:


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加的夫一家很棒的新亚洲超市;我在那里买了一些很棒的食物——新鲜的、冷冻的、干的、香草和香料。客户服务很棒,他们很乐意不碍事;我是一名前厨师和 Keen 家庭厨师,如果您像我一样正在寻找正宗的食材,我推荐这家商店

理查德·波普尔顿 (Rpop)




La Mart, Unit B, The West Wing, 卡迪夫

CF24 0JU

周一至周日,上午 10:00 至晚上 10:00

电话:020 2221 8355

