寿桃辣牛肉四川担担面160g ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle
寿桃辣牛肉四川担担面160g ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle

寿桃辣牛肉四川担担面160g ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle


  • 1 小时内本地送货,最远 5 英里
  • 库存,准备出货
  • 库存在路上

ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle 160g

Description: ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle is a delicious instant noodle offered by La Mart Asian Supermarket. This noodle combines the traditional Sichuan mala (numbing and spicy) flavor with rich beef seasoning, delivering a delightful Dan Dan noodle experience. Whether it's a quick lunch or a late-night snack, ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle will satisfy your taste buds.

La Mart Asian Supermarket

Key Features: Sichuan Flavor: ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle features authentic Sichuan mala seasoning, offering the genuine taste of Sichuan cuisine. Rich Taste: This noodle comes with flavorful beef seasoning, providing a diverse and enjoyable taste. Convenient and Quick: ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle is easy to prepare, making it a convenient choice for a satisfying meal.

Cooking Instructions:

  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
  2. Add ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle to the boiling water and cook until the noodles are tender.
  3. Drain the cooked noodles and mix them with the provided seasoning sachet thoroughly.

Serving Suggestions: You can enhance the flavor of the Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle by adding vegetables, eggs, or other ingredients of your choice. La Mart Asian Supermarket suggests trying chopped scallions, crushed peanuts, or greens to create a delightful Dan Dan noodle dish.

Storage Recommendations: Please store ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and moisture to maintain its quality and taste.

Health Tips: Dan Dan noodles usually have a high level of spiciness and salt content, so it's recommended to consume them in moderation to maintain a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. While enjoying the delicious ST Sichuan Spicy Beef Noodle, you can also pair it with fresh fruits and vegetables for a more nutritious meal. Remember to maintain regular exercise and a sensible diet to make food a joyful part of your life.

ST 辣牛肉四川担担面 160克

描述: ST 辣牛肉四川担担面是辣妈超市提供的一款美味方便面。这种面条融合了四川传统的麻辣口味,配以丰富的牛肉调味料,为您带来一份美味的担担面体验。无论是快捷午餐还是夜宵,ST 辣牛肉四川担担面都能满足您的味蕾。


特点: 四川风味:ST 辣牛肉四川担担面采用四川传统的麻辣调味料,为您呈现正宗的四川风味。 丰富的口味:这款担担面配有香辣的牛肉调味料,为您带来丰富多样的口感。 方便快捷:ST 辣牛肉四川担担面易于烹饪,只需简单的准备步骤即可尽享美味。


  1. 将一锅水煮沸。
  2. 将ST 辣牛肉四川担担面放入沸水中,煮至面条熟透。
  3. 把煮熟的面条沥干,并加入配套的调味包,充分搅拌均匀。

食用建议: 您可以根据个人口味添加蔬菜、蛋或其他喜爱的食材,进一步丰富担担面的风味。辣妈超市建议您尝试加入切碎的葱末、花生碎或青菜等,打造一份令人愉悦的担担面美食。

储存建议: 请将ST 辣牛肉四川担担面存放在阴凉干燥的地方,避免阳光直射和潮湿,以保持其质量和口感。

健康提示: 担担面通常有较高的辣度和盐分,建议适量食用,以维持均衡饮食和健康生活方式。在享受美味的辣牛肉四川担担面时,您可以搭配新鲜的水果和蔬菜,以获得更丰富的营养。记得保持适度运动和合理饮食,让美食成为生活中的一份快乐。

低于 20 英镑,2.99 运费;超过 20 英镑,免费。
0.2 英里到2.5 英里
低于 30 英镑,3.99 运费;超过 30 英镑,免费
2.5 英里到5 英里
低于 50 英镑,4.99 运费;超过 50 英镑,免费
5 英里到7.5 英里
低于 75 英镑,7.99 运费;超过 75 英镑,免费
7.5 英里到10 英里
低于 100 英镑,10.99 运费;超过 100 英镑,免费。

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  • Product Name:
  • Ingredient:
  • Allergy Advice:
  • Cooking Instruction:
  • Storage Condition:
  • Best Before Date:
  • Source of Production:


很棒的商店,喜欢他们把所有东西都用英语写的事实。尝试新食谱时更容易找到所需的食材 工作人员也非常友好和乐于助人






加的夫一家很棒的新亚洲超市;我在那里买了一些很棒的食物——新鲜的、冷冻的、干的、香草和香料。客户服务很棒,他们很乐意不碍事;我是一名前厨师和 Keen 家庭厨师,如果您像我一样正在寻找正宗的食材,我推荐这家商店

理查德·波普尔顿 (Rpop)




La Mart, Unit B, The West Wing, 卡迪夫

CF24 0JU

周一至周日,上午 10:00 至晚上 10:00

电话:020 2221 8355

