寿司米1kg Haruka Sushi Rice

寿司米1kg Haruka Sushi Rice


  • 1 小时内本地送货,最远 5 英里
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Sushi Rice (Haruka Brand)

Description: Sushi rice is a special type of rice used for making traditional Japanese sushi. Haruka brand sushi rice, available at La Mart Asian Supermarket, is a high-quality sushi rice with excellent texture and unique stickiness, ensuring the creation of delicious and perfectly textured sushi.

Key Features:

  • Premium Sushi Rice: Haruka brand sushi rice is carefully selected to ensure uniformity in size and quality of each rice grain, making it ideal for sushi-making.
  • Unique Texture: Sushi rice possesses a distinctive stickiness and chewiness, allowing it to be easily rolled into tightly packed sushi rolls.
  • Delicious Sushi: The texture and flavor of sushi rice complement various sushi fillings, enhancing the overall taste of the sushi.

Usage Tips:

  1. Rinse: Place the sushi rice in a bowl and rinse it under cold water until the water runs clear, then drain.
  2. Soak: Add the rinsed sushi rice to a bowl with an appropriate amount of water and soak for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cook: Transfer the soaked sushi rice and the appropriate amount of water to a rice cooker and cook according to the usual method.
  4. Season: Once the cooked sushi rice is ready, add sushi vinegar and gently mix with a wooden spatula to combine evenly.
  5. Cool: Allow the cooked sushi rice to cool to room temperature by fanning it with a handheld fan or gently fanning with a fan.

Brand Information: Haruka brand sushi rice, available at La Mart Asian Supermarket, is a well-known supplier of sushi rice, specializing in providing high-quality sushi rice products to meet the needs of professional sushi chefs and home cooks.

Storage Recommendation: Store unused sushi rice in a dry and cool place, away from moisture and direct sunlight, to maintain its quality and texture.

Embark on a Sushi Journey: With Haruka brand sushi rice from La Mart Asian Supermarket, you will enjoy the pleasure and satisfaction of making delicious and authentic sushi, showcasing your sushi-making skills to the fullest.

Note: According to personal preference, you can adjust the amount of sushi vinegar used during the cooking process to achieve different sushi flavors.

寿司米1kg (Haruka Sushi Rice)

描述: 寿司米,也被称为“哈鲁卡寿司米”,是专门用于制作寿司的一种优质糯米。它是寿司制作中不可或缺的主要成分,因为其特殊的口感和黏性,能让寿司在成型时保持形状和粘合。哈鲁卡寿司米是经过精心选择和加工的高品质米种,为制作美味寿司提供了最佳的风味和质地。

La Mart Asian Supermarket

主要特点: 黏性和口感:哈鲁卡寿司米具有适度的黏性和嚼劲,能使寿司成型时不易散开,且口感柔软、糯而有嚼劲。 优质品种:寿司米经过精心挑选,选用高品质的糯米种,确保了制作寿司时的品质和口感。 适宜制作寿司:哈鲁卡寿司米的特殊性质使其成为专业寿司制作的首选材料。

使用方法: 寿司米需要提前冲洗,然后按照烹饪说明进行蒸煮,使其成为松散的饭粒。蒸煮后,再用寿司醋调味,用于制作各种类型的寿司。


  1. 将蒸熟的寿司米放入大碗中。
  2. 慢慢加入寿司醋,轻轻拌匀,确保每粒米都均匀受味。
  3. 用手或木铲蘸取一些寿司米,将其压平放在寿司席上。
  4. 在寿司米上放上切好的生鱼片、蔬菜、海鲜等,然后卷起或形成各种寿司形状。

保存方法: 将未煮熟的哈鲁卡寿司米储存在凉爽干燥的地方,避免阳光直射。煮熟的寿司米最好在制作寿司后即时食用,不宜久放。

健康提示: 哈鲁卡寿司米是高碳水化合物食物,适量食用是营养均衡饮食的一部分。建议搭配多样化的蔬菜、蛋白质和健康脂肪,享受美味的寿司同时保持营养平衡。

低于 20 英镑,2.99 运费;超过 20 英镑,免费。
0.2 英里到2.5 英里
低于 30 英镑,3.99 运费;超过 30 英镑,免费
2.5 英里到5 英里
低于 50 英镑,4.99 运费;超过 50 英镑,免费
5 英里到7.5 英里
低于 75 英镑,7.99 运费;超过 75 英镑,免费
7.5 英里到10 英里
低于 100 英镑,10.99 运费;超过 100 英镑,免费。

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  • Product Name:
  • Ingredient:
  • Allergy Advice:
  • Cooking Instruction:
  • Storage Condition:
  • Best Before Date:
  • Source of Production:


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加的夫一家很棒的新亚洲超市;我在那里买了一些很棒的食物——新鲜的、冷冻的、干的、香草和香料。客户服务很棒,他们很乐意不碍事;我是一名前厨师和 Keen 家庭厨师,如果您像我一样正在寻找正宗的食材,我推荐这家商店

理查德·波普尔顿 (Rpop)




La Mart, Unit B, The West Wing, 卡迪夫

CF24 0JU

周一至周日,上午 10:00 至晚上 10:00

电话:020 2221 8355

